Lycandroid is a blog site that provides everything related to Android.  This blog was named after a mythical creature called Lycans (Stronger Werewolf). It was launched in July, 2011. Within a very short time the blog has become one of the most popular android blog on the web.

Android is a mobile phone operating system from the web powerhouse Google Inc. This blog contains the best android Games, Applications, Widgets, Tips & Tricks, Tutorials on various topics etc. Paid or Free! Every popular & latest contents are available here.

A Blog By Lycanbd

Lycandroid is the largest source of Android HD Games. All the popular hd games from Gameloft, Polarbit, EA, Glu Mobile is available here. Free! You dont need to pay a single penny! you dont need to download external data through wifi! because Lycandroid is not only providing the cracked apk version but also provides sd data. Free!

The Author

The Owner of Lycandroid is not a coder. He has no experience in programing! He is just a big fan of android & want to share the total android world with others. He search-find-collects & shares the best games & apps with his favorite android lovers!

Contacts:   Email:
                  Mobile:  +8801676941882


All those games & apps are collected from different sources. If you find difficulties in any games or apps you just have to write a comment & wait for the answer, Be Patience when he finds the right solution for you. Thanks!

Post a Comment

  1. The blog is simple and cool i love it....
    merry christmas and new year

  2. Just bought one of your DVD. In Nova 2 game, I only found a folder named GloftN2HP and a .apk file....I copied them to SD Card but the data still need to be downloaded.....There was no instruction either...Can you please solve this problem???

    1. Thats not our DVD you bought from the market. We only sell our DVDs online. So, We can't really help you as we don't know which version of the apps you are installing!!! Sorry about that friend. You should buy the DVDs from us.
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